Social Network Identity

In today’s digital world, our online identities are often controlled by large corporations. These centralized systems come with significant drawbacks:

  1. Lack of Ownership: Your username and data are owned by the platform, not you.
  2. Censorship Risk: Companies can ban or restrict your account at will.
  3. Data Exploitation: Your personal information can be sold or misused.
  4. Identity Fragmentation: Different usernames across various platforms.

Social Network’s Solution: Self-Custody Bitcoin Usernames

Social Network revolutionizes online identity by giving each user a self-custody Bitcoin username, similar to Ethereum Name Service (ENS). Here’s how it works:

  1. Bitcoin-Based: Your username is inscribed into the Bitcoin blockchain.
  2. Unique and Owned: Each name is a unique ERC721 token on the Social Network Layer Two.
  3. Secure Minting Process - Names are inscribed using empty envelope opcodes revealed upon payment, ensuring fairness and preventing front-running.
  4. True Ownership: You control your identity, not a centralized entity.
  5. Cross-Platform Compatibility: One identity for all Social Network apps.

How it Works

Step 1: Choose Your Name: Select a unique username.

Social Network Identity

Step 2: Create a Smart Wallet, seed phrase backed up to your email address.

Social Network Identity

Step 3: Inscribe and Mint: Pay to reveal and mint your username as a Bitcoin username.

Social Network Identity

Step 4: Self-Custody: You now hold the keys to your username + some HEART.

You’re all set!

Empowering Decentralized Social

Your Social Network identity becomes your passport to a new world of decentralized social media apps. Here’s what this means:

  1. Data Ownership: You control your data, not the platforms.
  2. Asset Control: Your digital assets (posts, media, etc.) belong to you.
  3. Censorship Resistance: No central authority can ban or silence you.
  4. Interoperability: Use one identity across multiple apps in the ecosystem.
  5. Privacy: Choose what data to share and with whom.
  6. Monetization: Potentially earn from your content and data directly.

The Future of Online Identity

By choosing a Social Network identity, you’re not just selecting a username – you’re claiming your sovereign digital identity. You’re taking control of your online presence, protecting your right to free expression, and becoming part of a movement towards a more open, fair, and user-centric internet. Join Social Network today and take the first step towards true digital sovereignty.